Mixed Patterns Near-field
The following is an example with a mixed pattern on one layer. The layer SiTop
has two patterns: (1) a rectangle patten centered at (250 nm, 250 nm) with widths (300 nm, 300 nm), and (2) a circle pattern centered at (750 nm, 750 nm) with radius 200 nm. Note that MESH has a contraint that patterns cannot interleave with each other.
s = SimulationPattern.new(); s:SetLattice(1e-6, 1e-6, 90); s:SetNumOfG(441); s:AddMaterial("Si", "Si.txt"); s:AddMaterial("Vacuum", "Vacuum.txt"); s:AddLayer("SiBottom", 0, "Si"); s:AddLayer("VacGap", 1e-7, "Vacuum"); s:AddLayer("SiTop", 0, "Si"); s:SetLayerPatternRectangle("SiTop", "Vacuum", {2.5e-7, 2.5e-7}, 0, {3e-7, 3e-7}); s:SetLayerPatternCircle("SiTop", "Vacuum", {7.5e-7, 7.5e-7}, 2e-7); s:SetSourceLayer("SiBottom"); s:SetProbeLayer("VacGap"); s:OutputSysInfo(); s:OptPrintIntermediate(); s:SetKxIntegral(100); s:SetKyIntegral(100); s:InitSimulation(); s:IntegrateKxKy();
The result is