PSLX provides a set of tools to assist development, and they include
- LRU cache for caching.
- SQL tool for connecting to SQL database and executing queries.
- Mongodb tool for connection to mongodb.
- Fetcher tool to fetch partitioned ProtoTable (whose values are of the same proto message type and keys are timestamps).
- Watcher tool to fetch partitioned ProtoTable (whose values are of the same proto message type and keys are timestamps).
- Registry tool to be used as decorators to register functions.
Documentation for LRU Caching¶
LRU caching supports the following methods:
- Description: create a LRU cache with capacity equal max_capacity.
- Arguments:
- max_capacity: the maximum capacity of the LRU cache.
- Description: get the value stored in the key in the LRU cache.
- Arguments:
- key: the key of the value. If key is not found, the function will return None.
- Return: the value corresponding to the key.
set(key, value)
- Description: set the key value pair to the cache.
- Arguments:
- key: the key of the pair to be inserted.
- value: the value of the pair to be inserted.
Documentation for SQL Tool¶
SQL tool supports the following methods:
- Description: create an instance of the SQL tool.
connect_to_database(credential, database)
- Description: connect to the database name with credential.
- Arguments:
- credential: the credential used to connect to the database.
- database: the name of the database that is going to be connected to.
execute_query_str(query_str, modification)
- Description: execute the query string.
- Arguments:
- query_str: the string of the query to be executed.
- modification: boolean indicating whether the query will modify the database.
execute_query_file(query_file, modification)
- Description: execute the query contained in a file.
- Arguments:
- query_file: the file that contains the query.
- modification: boolean indicating whether the query will modify the database.
Note that before executing any queries, please connect to a database first.
Documentation for Mongodb Tool¶
Mongodb tool supports the following methods:
- Description: create an instance of the Mongodb tool.
- Description: connect to mongodb with credential.
- Arguments:
- credential: the credential used to the connect to mongodb.
- Description: list all the database names.
- Description: list the collection names in the database.
- Arguments:
- database_name: the name of the database.
- Decription: get the database with database name.
- Arguments:
- database_name: the name of the database.
get_collection(database_name, collection_name)
- Decription: get the collection with collection name in a database.
- Arguments:
- database_name: the name of the database.
- collection_name: the name of the collection.
Documentation for Fetcher Tool¶
Tool to fetch the latest, oldest data or data within a time range.
To initialize PartitionerFetcher
__init__(partitioner, logger)
- Description: initialize a
- Arguments:
- partitioner: the partitioner object to fetch. It needs to have underlying storage of a
. - logger: the logger for the fetcher.
- partitioner: the partitioner object to fetch. It needs to have underlying storage of a
- Description: fetch the latest data entry, sorted by the key.
- Description: fetch the oldest data entry, sorted by the key.
fetch_range(start_time, end_time)
- Description: fetch the data whose key is within the range.
Documentation for Watcher Tool¶
Tool to monitor a specific latest key.
To initialize PartitionerWatcher
__init__(partitioner, logger, delay, timeout)
- Description: initialize a
- Arguments:
- partitioner: the partitioner object to watch. It needs to have underlying storage of a
. - logger: the logger for the watcher.
- delay: the seconds between each trial.
- timeout: the seconds of watch timeout.
- partitioner: the partitioner object to watch. It needs to have underlying storage of a
- Description: watch for the appearance of the given key in the latest partition.
- Arguments:
- key: the key to watch.
Documentation for Registry Tool¶
The registry tool can be used as a function decorator to store functions in a dictionary. The following code shows the simple usage of this tool:
from pslx.tool.registry_tool import RegistryTool
registry = RegistryTool()
def example_func():
... ...