Classes and Functions

The C++ interface have the same functions as the Lua interface except for the following changes.

  • An instance of a class is initiated to smart pointers. For example to instantiate a SimulationPlanar object, the right way to do is
Ptr<SimulationPlanar> s = SimulationPlanar::instanceNew();

This also applies to the instantiation of SimulationGrating and SimulationPattern objects. The advantage of using smart pointers is that there is no need to do manual gabage collection using delete.

  • Function names: the function names starts with lower case whereas Lua interface starts with a capital letter.

  • extra inputs in function setMaterial. In C++, this function is called as

void setMaterial(const std::string name, double** epsilon, const std::string type)

where type is one of "scalar", "diagonal" and "tensor". The 2D array epsilon then depends on the type. For scalar, the epsilon is of dimension . For diagonal, the epsilon is of dimension , and for tensor, the epsilon is of dimension .

  • changes in obtaining physical constants. In C++ there is no need to initiate or call any function to retrieve the constants. A constant, for example , can be directly obtained by using constant.q.

  • Extra Makefile is needed. An example for the Makefile for a main.cpp file is

CFLAGS=-std=c++11 -O3 -ffast-math -march=native -fopenmp  
LIBS=-L$(MESHPATH)/build -lmesh -lopenblas -llapack        
 $(CXX) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) ${ARMAINCLUDE} main.cpp -o main $(LIBS)

The MESHPATH should point to where the src folder is placed.